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Levelling Up Your Political Conversation Skills

This election we have a huge chance to win Miller and start transforming Queensland.

But if we're going to take on the corporate money of Labor and the LNP and win, we'll need to run a massive grassroots campaign - and we can’t do it without you.

If you've ever thought about getting involved with the Greens but felt you didn't know enough, this free, half-day training event will give you everything you need to get out there and start winning those crucial final votes to get us over the line.

There’ll be beginner, intermediate and advanced sessions, covering core Greens policy, how to handle tricky questions, and the ins and outs of what makes a conversation effective. So whether you’re totally new to volunteering, or an experienced campaigner – this free training will level up your skills and get you ready to be an effective vote swinger.

August 18, 2024 at 2:00pm - 5pm
Campaign Office
46 Old Cleveland Rd
Stones Corner, QLD 4121
Google map and directions
Elena Quirk ·

Will you come?